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Commission on Aging
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday September 20, 2010

The Commission on Aging held a regular meeting on Monday, September 20, 2010 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. Chairman Thomas Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.


Members Present: Thomas Dwyer, Mary Ellen Lydem, Karin Aurelia, James Bernardi, LeReine Frampton, Carol Mattegat, Barbara Wadleigh, Anna Wiedemann.

Members Excused: Edward Rees, Joan Plouffe.

Support & Advisory Present: Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services; Ida Reiski, Assistant Director of the Senior Center; Robert Sharpe, Chairman of the Senior Action Committee.

Support & Advisory Absent: Ann Piccini, Municipal Agent For The Elderly.

Support & Advisory Absent: Ann Piccini (Municipal Agent For The Elderly).

Members of the Public Present: Jim Solomon, Pastor of the New Hope Community Church in Newtown.~



MINUTES.  The minutes of the regular meeting of  June 21, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Attachment A to original minutes). Mrs. Aurelia reported that the current balance in the Gift Fund is $40,359.18 and the Trip Account $5,000.00. A check in the amount of $200.00 was received from the Newtown Junior Womans Club.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT (Attachment B to original minutes).  The annual bazaar will include a wine and cheese preview this year on  October 21. The bazaar is from October 22 through October 24. Due to a reduction in the budget, the weekly number of some of the classes has been reduced to cut back on the amount that is paid to the teachers. Mrs. Place would like to reimburse Mrs. Frampton for her use of the bus at the annual picnic. Mrs. Wiedemann moved to reimburse Mrs. Frampton for the two buses for the trip. Second by Mrs. Mattegat. Mrs. Frampton does not want to be reimbursed. She asked that the money be placed in the Gift Fund. An estimate for the cost for mileage will be presented at the next meeting by Mrs. Place.

Mrs. Wiedemann moved that the mother and daughter who prepared a quilt be treated to the Westchester Dinner Theater for $88 each. Second by Mrs. Lydem and unanimously carried.

Mrs. Lydem moved to approve the expenditure of $1,000 from the Commission on Aging Gift for the down payment for the Waterview for the Christmas party. Second by Mrs. Wadleigh and unanimously carried.

Mrs. Place has reminded visitors to the Senior Center of  “Newtown Senior Center Policy” and “Code of Conduct Policy” because of incidents that occurred at the Senior Center over the summer. She asked the Commission for their input on how to handle these matters. The Commission feels that the Town Attorney should be consulted concerning the wording on letters that will be distributed to any people creating a disturbance at the Senior Center. Mr. Dwyer will contact Town Attorney Grogins.

MUNICIPAL AGENT FOR THE ELDERLY REPORT. Mrs. Piccini was not present and no report was presented.


TRIAD.  Mr. Dwyer feels that this is under Mrs. Place’s responsibility to the Senior Center and not to the Commission on Aging. This item will be under Mrs. Place’s report in the future.

“Yellow Dot Refresher Update” and “Driving Under the Influence of Dementia” will be presented on November 30 in Norwich and December 7 in Bridgeport.

FOUR SEASON ROOM. The room has been completed. The Knitting Group meets in there.

NEW BUILDING.. The item had been submitted to the Capital Improvement plan in 2011-2012. Mr. Dwyer will contact Mr. Gaston of the Board of Finance to see if the item should be resubmitted again this year.

Appointment of a Committee to nominate a slate of officers for 2011. The Committee will be comprised of Mrs. Wiedemann, Mr. Bernardi and Mrs. Frampton.

A recess was called at 5:50 for the Nominating Committee to prepare a slate. Mrs. Wiedemann presented the current officers as the same slate of officers for 2011, Mr. Dwyer as Chairman, Mrs. Lydem as Vice-Chairman and Mrs. Aurelia as Treasurer. This will be voted on at the October meeting.

Jim Solomon from the New Hope Community Church introduced himself to the Commission and expressed his appreciation of the seniors in town.  

Mr. Dwyer would like to change the item “Voter Participation” to “Public Participation” and include this item at the beginning and at the end of each agenda. He would like to refer to Mrs. Piccini as the “Municipal Agent for the Elderly” and drop the “Director of Social Services” as that is not under the purview of the Commission on Aging.

Ms. Wiedemann suggested that we prepare a directory of services in Newtown and vicinity of benefit to seniors similar to one that the COA in Ridgefield has created. This was approved and she will work on this with Ms. Place.

ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of Mrs. Wiedemann, the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk